123 Diet Australia
The 123 Diet mission is with the right meal plan, exercise program, and persistent effort, can assist anyone to achieve their weight loss goals. The Weightless 123 diet support team are here to assist and help with the program and journey, our team are here answer your question both through calling us on 0450233927 or through our facebook community.
Who are the best candidates for the Weighless 123 Diet protocol?
Who are the best candidates for the Weighless 123 Diet are those wishing to lose weight.
There are three phases to this diet
Phase 1
Loading days – Eat as much junk food and the foods you love but not able to eat on the diet over the first 2 days of the diet while taking the drops 3 times a day. Phase 1 of the diet is an important step and should not be missed when starting the Diet.
Phase 2
Restricted calories – You eat foods from our meal plan that we provide you (no calorie counting, simply follow the meal plan). You continue to take the drops 3 times a day and stay on this phase till you reach your goal weight.